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Is the mass adoption of PWAs on mobile - including Android where Chrome is suppose to be so much better - like the “year of Linux on the desktop”?

(and the HN gods don’t like me now for some unknown reason)

No, I don't think so, for the end user it doesn't matter a lot (though increased competition will be of benefit for the end user obviously). But what matters is that Apple can't be a gatekeeper for PWAs and so they can't charge their 30% App Store tax. So it matters a lot for developers. That's why it's a threat to the App Store model.

You still didn’t answer the question - if it means so much for developers, why not use PWAs on Android today?

Because PWAs are not capable enough. But as I repeatedly said and will repeat again: it's not about today. What's true today doesn't need to be true in 5 or 10 years.

So any day now it’s going to be the “Year of the PWA”?

And in that case it’s not just mean old Apple keeping PWAs down?

Also, casino style, pay to win games won’t leave the app stores - which make up 90% of App Store revenue - because of the direct access to users wallets. People are not going to randomly put their credit cards on every website and parents aren’t going to give their kids credit cards to put on those websites. The app stores give parents control of how much spending their kids do.

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