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Do you have a coherent point you're trying to make? We're discussing Apple here. These wanna be "gotchas" aren't nearly as clever as you think.

> But since now that there will be alternate means of distribution in the EU, you should be okay with no PWAs in the EU?

I see, a hardened Apple defender. Nice show of cards! There are no alternative means of distribution in the EU that don't involve paying large sums of money to Apple, but you already knew that.

My points are the same neither consumers or the companies that make most of the money from mobile care about PWAs

My second point is if it just Apple and Safari holding back the adoption of PWAs, then why aren’t they more popular on Android if Chrome is so much better?

Why aren’t companies creating PWAs for Android to avoid the same 30% cut? Are they okay with paying “large sums of money” to Google?

Why aren’t they using third party app stores on Android or letting users download directly from them?

(And the HN gods are mad at me for some reason)

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