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> Love all the flagged HN threads

I don't particularly like the fact that whenever Russia or China is discussed, you can count on some accounts trying to detract the discussion into the usual "But Murica... (The West, NATO, Israel...) " threads.

You may not like it, but when discussing these big geopolitical issues, ignoring and silencing the justifications and counterarguments of others is dangerously narrowminded. How can real solutions or constructive discussions be had when only one viewpoint is allowed and even proven facts are verboten if they seem to support an "enemy" statement? How will self-censorship and denial make us better than those we dislike? If we really want to be better than others, we should attempt to live up to our ideals, not hypocritically hide our shortcomings.

Of course you are right, the problem is, these people are not interested in actual discussion and exchanging arguments, only detracting the discussion. For example, when Putin killed Navalny, they try to dig up all possible dirt on Navalny. The point is not to have an actual discussion (which in this case wouldn't matter that much tbh as they guy is dead anyway so his view on immigration don't seem that important anyway) but to paint him in a bad light.

Same with Ukraine: they push the view that "The USA is doing the same so it is fine" which is broken on both points (the USA is not doing the same and it is not fine even if they did).

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