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Universal Basic Income has NEVER been tried. i.e Giving every citizen of a relatively large country (> 10 million) a fixed sum of money every month.

It works on small samples because that doesn't suddenly change the demand curve relatively to supply.

Everytime the govt prints money and gives it as a stimulus check, that is akin to UBI.

The problem is usually supply. One can always pump up demand by dolling out free money. Even if you gave every US citizen a million dollars but the housing inventory doesn't go up, house prices go up by a million dollars.

Money is merely a means fill demand with supply.

Universal basic distribution is a phenomenal idea. e.g everyone receives free basic healthcare (Most modern countries do this).

Capitalistic competition is a good thing when there are multiple players working hard to output the highest quality at cheapest prices.

Governments as single player monopolies aren't the most efficient at distribution.

Universal Basic Supply is an idea I can get behind. UBI has a big gaping hole called inflation.

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