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You confuse my goals with your goals. Conservative economics advance my goals fine.

The real problem here is that we expect an individual to operate on the same footing as a firm. The firm can use its army of people to devise new ways to bamboozle the individual, but the individual has only their wits and their free time to use to defend themselves. The only way to protect yourself as an individual is collective action.

Have anything to back up your first statement? Might be useful ammo...not that I've ever bought into conservative economics before.

If you believe in science, you have to also believe that the free market is working. Instead of getting worked up by online talking points spewed by your fellow Bernie Bros, you should look at some stats about the wealth creation and quality-of-life stats over the past 200yrs, 50yrs, 20yrs, etc.

and that's why the Soviet Union won the Cold War

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