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I don’t want the PSF to declare tools cannot be made. I want the PSF to pick a winner so we can finally consolidate on a workflow.

Just today, I was helping a beginner setup Python on their laptop. A nightmare collection of tooling complexity (so you have Python, but you need to worry about virtual environments, to do that, I use this combination of pipx+virtualenvwrapper, but to do actual projects, you need Poetry, but…) all the while noting that this is an opinionated workflow that I happen to utilize because of the tradeoffs that matter to me. Ask someone else, and they will definitely have a different configuration. Entire first lesson was just to get Python installed with tons of elided complexity.

I should be able to point to a document on Python.org that says, “This is the way.” Yet for decades, they have refused to take a stand.

Isn't it your job as an engineer to pick the right toolchain for the job?

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