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This is absolutely true, but I haven't seen any language ecosystems that have gotten things wrong as often as Python.

And quite a few where the tradeoffs are minor enough to be well worth some sanity & consistency.

C++. I think Java is pretty close in nastiness but I haven't used it in a while.

Java is Maven or Gradle mostly. Neither perfectly ideal but there's clear choices by subcommunitues (e.g. Android =>Gradle) & churn is low. Not at all an awful situation.

C++ is mostly unmanaged in practice which is obviously bad (though Python is the only "modern" language where I regularly see published projects without so much as a requirements.txt so very comparable). However looking at the actual options for C++, Conan seems pretty clear cut & not awful in itself.

So... not as bad as Python by any measure imo.

I think maven and pypi + pip are similar levels of pain.

Like plenty of people just use pip or poetry and are fine. It’s totally bad faith to claim that this is all orders of magnitude worse

The package manifest for maven is pom.xml. Sure it's got quirks - I might have the wrong version of a maven plugin it's got required directives for or something - but it's always there, it's declarative, and dependencies are listed in a consistent, predictable, universally parsable format (I don't even need maven, it's XML). It's also highly configurable via .mvn at project level so if you check that in chances are you can work around many weirdnesses.

And it's always there. If your IDE didn't generate it your maven archetype did.

What's the source of truth in any random pip project that I should look to as a package manifest? requirements.txt? Setup.cfg? Pyproject.toml? Setup.py? What if they're all there? Do they all agree? Should I cascade or defer to one? Merge the trees? What if none of the above exist? Pip certainly doesn't ensure any does.

As for parsing them, requirements.txt is the most barebones near-informationless manifest out there, and setup.py is init code - good luck trying to automate reading the dep tree reliably without side effects.

It's because no-one is in charge anymore, and Guido never cared about packaging anyway.

If you think Guido never cared about packaging, try calling it "The Cheese Shop" in distance of his hearing. :-)

Wasn’t any better back then. Not much of a cheese shop, is it?

You haven't used Swift before I see

The recent CocoaPods SPM migration is almost as painful as py2->3 but it seems to be a clearly understood direction with end in sight.

SPM's manifests being non-declarative is also super problematic for 3P tooling but again - it's one well defined target. Decisions are clear, if a little cumbersome. There's nowhere near the mess of indecision and reduplication you see in python projects.

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