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You're exactly right, but most people just believe the headlines about cancer cures and "individualized medicine" that pop up every week and don't realize that literally none of them produce anything that helps real life patients. Medicine is not getting better - it's getting more expensive and less efficient.

> literally none of them produce anything that helps real life patients

If you make claims that bold no one should even bother to read on.

I dunno, I can casually get an MRI to check the status of slime in my nose these days. It may not be strictly ‘better’ but the availability certainly goes up.

Cancer cure, is indeed a big can of worms. I commented on it: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39084422

A majority of what you wrote is objectively false FUD. The only thing that I found accurate is: > it's getting more expensive and less efficient There have been a ridiculous number of medical advances in the last few years, advances that are actively improving and saving lives as I write this. Remember that time we had a pandemic, and quickly designed and produced a massive number of vaccines? Saved millions of lives, kept hundreds of millions from being bed ridden for weeks? The medical technology to design those vaccines, and to produce them at that speed and scale didn't exist 20 years ago. Cancer treatments, which you specifically mentioned, are entirely better than they were 10 years ago.

The actual issue, which is the only worthwhile thing you wrote about, is cost and availability.

You are simply ignoring what I actually said. My criticism was directed at specific fields: name one cancer treatment or "individualized medicine" approach that has been proven to save lives or increase quality of life in the last 3-5 years. I'll wait.

The vaccines were not the result of medicine getting "better" - they just happened to have a solution for the right thing at the right time, which is fortunate (and we're lucky that it worked, because there was no guarantee of that beforehand) but if the pandemic hadn't happened, what advances would we be discussing? What advances are actually making medicine better aside from once-in-a-hundred-year worldwide emergencies?

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