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Literally the first words in the article says that it's a drop-in replacement for pip.

And the following examples show it is not. While it is pretty straightforward to add `uv ` in front of any pip calls, it is not API compatible.

Granted they are still working on it, but in the meantime - add a shell alias for uv?

alias pip="/usr/bin/uv pip"

How does that solve the problem that uv isn't a drop-in replacement? Are they going to implement the whole of pip, warts and all? Unlikely, because even though its in rust, they're getting a fair bit of speedup by making assumptions (see their ruff benchmarks, most of pylint isn't implemented), and as we've seen with both poetry and pipenv, those assumptions break down. pixi may get somewhat closer (given their experience with conda, and so familiarity with workflows and needs outside webdev), but I suspect uv will only further add issues and confusion to Python installs (especially if people decide to try aliasing and things break).

I jumped to conclusions in my previous comment, but that was based on a personal experience. Realistically, I've only ever needed 2 commands: `pip freeze > requirements.txt` and `pip install -r requirements.txt`. They don't need 100% API compatibility to deliver value, just "good enough". 80/20 rule and all that.

The issue is, Python has multiple projects that are already doing that, and they've not been adopted (and then everyone complains that Python packaging is a mess...). Maybe uv will be like the easy_install -> pip transition, but I doubt it (the requirements are much higher and more diverse).

Arguably they'd get significantly further choosing a specific and narrow use-cased and nailing it (e.g. deploying WSGI/ASGI apps via OCI containers, with the ability to have live reload during dev), rather than introducing another option whose main selling point is speed, which while nice, is hardly going to resolve why we have the different use-cases and hence solutions.

I can't use it unless it implements list -o and install -U

take it all the way and force integrate it into venv

And you just took a VC-backed company at its word on a marketing article? I'm sure that's what they're aiming for, but at this time, it's not

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