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Except here "DDoS" means "one person with a $200 radio". I don't expect my devices to stand up to prolonged attacks against state actors. I do hope they can survive someone sending them invalid packets.

Oh they'll survive invalid packets. It's the sheer amount of packets that are the problem, and wireless signals are just inherently hard to protect against malicious jamming.

That's not true. Again, forget jamming for a little bit. You can build a jammer with any random spark gap transmitter. The novel attacks are one where a Flipper Zero can send an iPhone 1,000 "hey, I'm an Apple TV, wanna hang out?" messages in a row and the phone acts on each of them. Even if you space those messages out so that they only take a tiny percent of available throughput, the phone's response to the messages will still make it unusable.

Because such a flood is now easy to trigger, phones now implement rate limiting that effectively mitigates the attacks. After all, you're not legitimately going to see 1,000 Apple TVs trying to connect at once, so there's no need to give each one of them personal attention.

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