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Part of the problem is that the design feels somewhat toy-like with the bright plastic etc. This makes using it feel like a game, and masks the seriousness of potential consequences. Some people have implanted insulin pumps and other medical devices controlled over bluetooth, and a flipper zero user may have no concept of this.

That last bit is absolutely infuriating. Medical device manufacturers are cranking out insecure devices that rely on security through obscurity. No, I don't think people should be using Flipper Zeros to hack someone else's insulin pump. It's also unforgivable that someone should make an insulin pump that another can hack with a Flipper Zero.

I use netcat for legitimate things every day. If someone made an IP server that I could hack with netcat, they should be ashamed of themselves. It's not netcat's fault that their security sucks. Well, same with Flipper Zero.

"medical devices controlled over bluetooth, and a flipper zero user may have no concept of this."

And they would if it were not in a "bright plastic case"?

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