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Who is the "We" in "We messed up" here?

Presumably, the "We" is British intelligence, but it's Spanish prosecutors that were asking for the kid to reimburse the Spanish government for the cost of scrambling the fighter jet.

> but it's Spanish prosecutors that were asking for the kid to reimburse the Spanish government for the cost of scrambling the fighter jet

The point still stands, regardless who was asking for the reimbursement.

In fact the last person who should be expected to pay out is the victim of this incompetence. A delivery driver being sent on a prank order delivery doesn't expect the victim to pay for the order.

I totally agree that joint failures by the British and Spanish government shouldn't be paid for by the victim. I'm just saying that there isn't any evidence that British intelligence asked for any restitution. I think they screwed up, know it, and are keeping quiet.

The Spanish prosecutors, on the other hand... shame on them for having the nerve to continue prosecution, particularly after Spanish law enforcement subjected the victim to time in jail.

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