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My point stands: just because Tesla chooses to make FSD an L2 system at the moment doesn't mean that it's unable to act safely in the same scenarios as for instance Mercedes L3. So concluding that FSD is behind Mercedes is delusional. If you actually look at evidence available, (the thousands of videos available for FSD, and the ... tens available for other brands), and still claim FSD is behind, that is delusional.

I'm defending Tesla because these comments are just insanity, and it points to an extreme anti-Tesla or Elon bias, which is very common these days. If you can't impartially evaluate a piece of technology that is clearly more advanced in every possible way, you really need to reflect.

I don't quite understand how anyone could actually compare systems from different vendors. The failure modes aren't something the vendors have been able to identify in advance of a cataclysmic event.

So I agree with your "delusional" statement, and also consider your remarks of the same caliber. You cannot determine a system's safety by watching videos.

Think how many videos there would be by now of the 737max taking off, flying, and landing if airplanes were as hip and new as robotic drivers.

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