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Ex-Tinder engineer made a dating app for Twitter (swooner.app)
20 points by horatio_thomas 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

No one bothers calling it X do they. They’ll study the rebranding of Twitter alongside New Coke for the next 50 years.

Twitter barely enters into my consciousnesses, but I personally refuse to call it X. It's the little things. Haha.

It's pretty unusual for a rebrand of any iconic brand to work out, really; people rarely _try_ of course, but I'm struggling to think of _any_ scenario where one succeeded.

it doesn't help that they haven't changed the URL. great work all round

You can call it Xitter. Much more on brand.

Xitters clogged

Political Twitter is a garbage fire of people each in their own belief bubble yelling abuse at each other.

I wouldn’t have thought such a cesspool would be the place to lean casually in the bar and ask if you come here often but what the hell would I know about dating anyway. Maybe that’s what people want these days.

Maybe there’s nicer corners of Twitter where people are more civil abd presenting their best self instead of their worst and open to dating.

Makes me endlessly thankful how well moderated HN is

HN is also bad at times. Just look at this post where two of three main comments are the same old rant about Twitter and have little to do with the topic. HN discourages a lot of political topics so instead you get pseudo discussions about Musk or the environment disguised as tech discussions, but imho it's more about topic selection than moderation behind the difference in atmosphere.

Regarding the actual topic, I think it's a bad idea to just have a login wall with no information about the service or how it works. I do believe there's some value in matching people based on their social media accounts considering how much they must know about us.

how do one not on the app get notified he/she got liked?

The idea is you slide into their dm's or reply/like their tweets to subtly flirt/get them to notice you ;)

This sounds like a perfect ingredient for the dumpster fire that twitter already is

Great, now the delusional crypto-bros and deranged political posters can get together.

The society wedding of the year, in which Ian Miles Cheong marries a crypto-shilling ChatGPT bot.

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