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SpaceX to Deorbit 100 Starlink Satellites Due to Detected Flaw (gizmodo.com)
13 points by nickthegreek 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

SpaceX should post which satellites and when, so we can watch it happen.

> The exact nature of the issue was not disclosed, and SpaceX does not respond to media requests for additional information.

I wonder if it's because they could be hacked.

That would mean they're lying about the reason:

> An unspecified defect in early model Starlink satellites has prompted SpaceX to preemptively deorbit the units before they potentially fail and become hazards in low Earth orbit.

That doesn't mean that they couldn't fail as a consequence of a hack.....

Something close to that, I think.

Russia has been putting a lot of effort into beam jamming lately. DoSing/jamming the uplink interfaces could result in commands not relaying/executing, hence: loss of control.

This... my hunch is faulty territory lockouts. Russia has been gray market importing starlinks given their usefulness in Ukraine.

This isn't it. I'm 100% sure

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