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No, it takes the example a leftist poster gave, and pointed out that while the US was racist, the Soviet state was genocidal. The question being asked was "which was worse" and for this particular example, the Soviets were A LOT worse.

Whataboutism is asking "what about" and take something unrelated. This is taking the exact example given by a commie and pointing out that leftist propaganda and reality were VERY different. And here you are ... defending the propaganda, demonstrating exactly what is going wrong here.

There are actually some aspects of Soviet life where Western states were on the whole worse than Soviets (e.g. pure science education, or labor participation and independence for women) by current moral standards. But not many, and frankly, mostly not for good reasons.

Of course we all know that this was true in nearly all cases. Obviously some Russians (e.g. state employees) had it better than some American groups. Although even there it turned out they often preferred American lifestyles.

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