Putting fashion aside, probably useful for both UV blocking (turn the hat into a hijab for better coverage) and also should reflect IR so reduce the chance of heatstroke when working in the sun. Disclaimer: avoid working/exercise in hot/humid conditions at all! Work at dusk/dawn or even wait for a cool day.
Isn't that essentially the point of an emergency/space blanket? It's essentially what the JWST uses for a solar shield as well. The $.99 item you buy at any camping store probably cost NASA more than that though.
Why? This is the same concept in any hot/humid conditions during the summer regardless of hemisphere. It's good advice even if you hear it during the winter.
The southern hemisphere has the same weather as the northern hemisphere, but with reversed seasonality. You might be thinking of the American subtropics.
See the MIT paper linked from a lower ranked answer - they can actually amplify the radio waves, by as much as 30dB! That's a 1000x increase. Now that's a proper conspiracy - to cause people to wear those in order to amplify the effects.
True, it blocks some radio waves and amplifies others. But maybe it amplifies good mind-control signals and diminishes bad ones? Only one way to find out! adds 32 rolls of foil to cart
What about tinfoil covered walls?
Would living next to a couple of 4G/5G towers
be improved by tinfoiling the walls in that direction
or a full faraday cage setup is needed?
probably not too many have actually used a room-sized tin foil hat, but i have - we used to have a faraday cage enclosing our coulter counter (measured cells in liquid) at university of london, back in the early 80s. room to sit in and do stuff. don't know if this is necessary any more?
My longitudinal study has found that tin foil hats, when prepared and worn as directed, block 100% alien parasitical freqencies, 97.8132% of the attempts by FEDGOV to take over the minds of minunderstood scientists, and 2.091234% of the people who use verbal frequencies to ask questions about where to obtain their own tin foil hats.
It's a joke that as far as I know I am the only person finds funny but I've always thought that tin-foil hats need a grounding strap as otherwise they would act more like an antenna dish than a shield.