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Ask HN: Where are your manually(!) curated lists of bookmarks?
4 points by Tomte 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
Pinboard, Raindrop, ArchiveBox, hand-written HTML, whatever.

Would you like to show your collection?

> Would you like to show your collection?

I consider them very private. I use Pinboard, but for sensitive stuff, I store that locally using my browser's bookmark manager, then at the end of the year, export it and convert to a boring plaintext list of URLs which I use going forward. I am not sharing this list, ever.

BookmarkManager.com [self-promotion]

The solution I was looking for: - browser independent - works on desktop AND mobile - has tags (more specifically EXCLUSIVE tagging) - low friction / integrates with my workflow (easy to add and find bookmarks)

It's a personal bookmark manager. So everything is private. You cannot share collections.

Nextcloud bookmarks, synced to my browser via floccus

Oh, haven‘t heard of floccus before. Thanks!

Its an browser plugin and an android app. I can recommend both.

Pinboard, I don't share.


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