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I am using keycloak for quite a while. The main problem I have with it is that you can't get a link to reset a password, you have to issue an api that does it for you. In fact that is how most of the product goes. It is very opinionated. Making it a cluster is also not easy, though I did it and it works ok. Another issue is that the realms has a limit. Though you can spin up an instance every 200 realms but it is not for me... Instead, I just use it for login and do the roles internally in my app for every tenant<>user<>Role but then I get back to thinking, this was an overkill... but a login system that is secured is difficult and I don't want to deal with that...

I am complaining but what is the alternative? Do it all yourself? It is either too risky or too difficult...

Is this really true? Reading [1] they say:

> Forgot Password: If you enable it, users are able to reset their credentials if they forget their password or lose their OTP generator. Go to the Realm Settings left menu item, and click on the Login tab. Switch on the Forgot Password switch.

[1]: https://wjw465150.gitbooks.io/keycloak-documentation/content...

As I said, very opinionated. Meaning you have to use their way. So, for example, if I want to add turnstile bot protection to the reset password screen so your aws smtp won't be abused, I have to write a plugin instead of just getting the url to send myself.

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