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> The mold issue is overblown and not an issue.


Here's 8ish citations that seem to disagree. I guess they could be wrong, I'd love to see your evidence to the contrary. All I've read says it's dirty and common sense seems to agree: you don't wash something, it gets dirty. Stick dirty stuff in it, it gets dirty.

And yes, I don't use reusable bags, down right unsanitary. The insides of product shipping containers are disgusting. That's what's rubbing on the insides of your bags.

Totally agree with the use of plastic at all. I think paper is a great. It does have a problem with permeability so some places need another solution, cellulose? But damn the plastic, and the damn plastic bags, I ask for paper. Trees are a great renewable resource. And you can make cool hats for kids when you're done, let's see you do that with a plastic bag!

Try testing your bags to see how dirty they are and if you want your food rubbing up against all that. Do a white paper towel test at least.

1) I do clean the bags. The plastic ones I wipe when they get dirty. We also have cotton shopping bags, I just put them in the washing machine.

2) Who cares if you can detect E coli or whatever in the bag? It's not like I put raw meat loose in there. Most of the food I buy is packaged, or I wash it or peel it before eating.

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