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You could also put in about the same amount of effort and do something much more environmentally conscious at the expense of being less childishly subversive. I guess you’ve gotta decide if that tradeoff is worth it.

I wouldn't say they were being childishly subversive -- it is very unclear that paper bags are better than plastic bags for the environment.

"Manufacturing a paper bag takes about four times as much energy as it takes to produce a plastic bag"

"Studies have shown that, for a paper bag to neutralize its environmental impact compared to plastic, it would have to be used anywhere from three to 43 times."


If you're going through the effort of carrying your own bags, why use a disposable bag at all?

Bringing up the harms of a paper bag is not really pertinent.

But they rot and don't end up in the sea.

Pissing off hairshirt environmentalists is always worth it on principle. A bunch of their policies are more about annoying humans than being more ecological.

eg. hyper efficient slow as molasses dishwashers are such a pain to use they prompt people to hand wash instead of using a dishwasher, which uses noticeably more water than somewhat more wasteful, but fast and effective dishwashers do. The EPA doesn't care.

Hah, this is funny. This is the sort of scathing comment that HN doesn't like and normally I'd be downvoting it also but for once I really agree.

It's not the little guy with his plastic straw that's the problem when the greater majority of waste is coming from the big corporations and dirty nations.

Then to top it off you have billionaires like Taylor Swift who uses their private jets to fly a 15 minute trip instead of taking a 25 minute car ride.

Give it another 50 years and the little guy will need to be eating bugs to be environmentally conscious while the people on top still do exactly what they did before.

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