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I never understood the laws that replace this bags with thick bags you pay for.

They should replace free this bags with expensive this bags. If you want a reusable bag, bring it in with you. The fact you don't have one with you today shows you haven't made the switch, and shouldn't be trusted to do it now.

Yeah, where I am, they simply added the requirement that stores have to charge at least five cents for any bag they give you.

It has greatly reduced the amount of single use bags without the undesirable side effect of thickening single use bags so that they can masquerade as reusable.

We pay 25¢ in Menlo Park, but stores tend to just charge for one or two even if they give you way more than that. It feels like a "deal" to pay on 10¢ in neighboring cities...even though that is of course a terrible deal for a bag.

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