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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman seeks as much as $7 Trillion for new AI chip project (cnbc.com)
9 points by birriel 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

This is why you build a business like META, NVIDIA, or AMZN that produces lots of free cash flow to actually build things. See, because when you build a business, that is profitable, you don't NEED to go out and raise oceans of cash. Because your mega business is PRODUCING the oceans of money. Mark Zuckerberg, Jensen Huang, don't need to constantly beg people for money all the time because they build products, that generate insane amounts of cash. They can then use this cash to build their next generation ideas.

Substitute META with OIL

$7 trillion is a lot of money. For a sense of scale, $7 trillion is 30x the entire Apollo program.

If we, collectively as a society, are going to speculatively plow $7 trillion into some transformative technological moonshot, I can think of a hell of a lot better uses for the money than an AI chip, at least one inspired by current AI architectures. It's probably enough money to completely convert the USA to renewable energy. Hell, $7 trillion thrown at fusion energy would probably crack it. $7 trillion applied judiciously could eradicate a veritable rogues gallery of social ills - easily preventable diseases, homelessness, workforce re-skilling. $7 trillion buys a lot of socialism. A private AI initiative on the other hand is likely to exacerbate our problems, or at least further destabilize an already chaotic situation, while the "benefits", if any, are likely to be along the lines of "a subset of people get really rich".

Let me role play Sam Altman;

If you invest $7T in AI...

Then it will cost vastly less to create all those other things you want.

Renewable energy.

Fusion energy.

Curing diseases.

Curing homelessness.

Helping re-skilling or making it irrelevant.

And yes, Sam would get really rich. I keep hearing I need to read Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut...

$7T into AI could cure all human ailments including death.

I don't want Sam controlling the industry. His ego would get in the way.

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