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It doesn't matter where you live, it matters what blockchain you choose (emilia.beehiiv.com)
2 points by ealm99 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I think there must still be a place where location matters when it comes down to commercial crypto entities like exchanges and other crypto companies.

Certainly there must be crypto companies that want employees in office and I doubt there are very many crypto companies in Jackson, Mississippi.

It’s also notable that the largest crypto conference takes place in a physical location (Austin, TX).

I agree with you about the actual open source development of crypto technologies. Maybe everything I’m talking about is corporate nonsense that has nothing to do with the actual development progress that defines the crypto space. I’m honestly not familiar enough with it to know for sure.

Trying my hand at writing and this is my first submission. It seems that every ambitious 20-something I know who is in crypto is always questioning whether they live in the right place.

In crypto particularly, I don't think it matters.

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