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I'm not arguing that big PRs are better. I'm arguing that being smaller also doesn't make it better. Neither has any real meaning without context.

Take your same 1000 line change example, but make that change span multiple areas of the code that are related, but not immediately apparent. If you blindly split that up, you can very easily let bugs slip in even if in isolation each change looked fine.

My whole point is: there is no "ideal" size. It depends. It always depends. We should never substitute thinking with mere rules of thumb and reductionist claims.

On another point, notice you said: commits, not pull requests.

That's an important distinction. Pull requests have a whole feedback loop on top of them, and serve exactly as a way to tie multiple smaller changes required to achieve one meaningful change. That means most of the time we can get all the benefits of small code changes and the benefits of the full context by having a slightly larger PR and separating changes by commits.

> Again, this is a straw man. Nobody is saying to blindly optimize to the metrics

Maybe. But this is an advertisement blog post, made for a company that targets managers that will say "let's buy this and it'll make our developers faster. It gives me a pretty graph to say who's good".

That's why some of it might look like a straw man at first sight, but if you take in the context in which this blog post was written, it's a valid argument in my view.

It's way too easy to blur real code concerns (splitting functions, naming, separation of concerns, etc) with silly meaningless numbers (PR size, line counts, PR numbers) that managers use as a proxy to actually knowing the subject matter.

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