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> how the interpreter of this code is more complex than you may expect from a 4-word language

It's not a 4-word language. It's a 64-word language. That's been known for about as long as we've known what DNA was.

4 or 64, neither is a good description of how it works outside of protein building. Same as saying that C++ is a 100-word language because it's the size of the ASCII alphabet: correct but not helpful

That's only correct in the same sense that it's "correct" to say DNA is a four-word language. It's not "correct in an unhelpful way", it's just incorrect.

Well so is the 64-word concept if you insist. It only applies to protein transcription which is 1-2% of human DNA, so it's wrong 98% of the time

I mean, neither really matter. TREE3 shows us that computational complexity explodes beyond all reason even in word limited simple systems with low connectivity.

Sorry, what's 64-word about DNA?

One codon is three bases in sequence. Each base has four possible values. So there are 64 codons.

Ah, I see your idea, but codons aren't DNA- they are a higher level construct (only used in the context of transcribed and translated genes that code for proteins).

Also, several of those codons aren't mapped to amino acides (stop codons) and the codons are re-used to code for the same amino acids, so it's really redundant compared to that.

DNA is a 2-bit code, with 4 symbols.

Words are defined by the parser, not by the alphabet. Letters are what's defined by the alphabet.

> Also, several of those codons aren't mapped to amino acides (stop codons)

Yes, codons are the minimal units of the genetic code, which is why they're called "codons".

> and the codons are re-used to code for the same amino acids, so it's really redundant

Synonymous codons aren't redundant. They take different amounts of time to process, which affects the shape of the resulting protein.

DNA codes for a lot more than just genes... you're just conflating several unrelated concepts. For example, regulatory regions don't care about codons at all.

If you're just saying "genes are defined in units of codons", no complaint. And the biophysics of synonymous codons are highly complex; in most cases, you can substitute them in and get the same exact protein function. There are lots of papers about corner cases in specific proteins, but it's still correct to say that synonymous codons code redundantly (this is a well-established fact of molecular biology).

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