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The article says:

> Das Beispiel, das wie ein Hollywood-Szenario daherkommt, hat sich wirklich so zugetragen.

Google translate:

> This example, which seems like a Hollywood scenario, actually happened.

So this article states that this actually happened.

So OP's claim that this article states it's just an example which didn't happen, is incorrect.

I'm not saying it did happen, just that the article does not state what OP says.

The point of linking to that article is that it's not plausible that a 3-million-device botnet attack would be first reported as a one-paragraph example at the beginning of a general cybersecurity article in a regional German publication.

The translation is correct regarding the articles claim of the stories legitimacy.

To expand on the initial dramatized story:

> Sie steht zu Hause im Badezimmer, doch sie ist Teil einer gross angelegten Cyberattacke. Die elektrische Zahnbürste ist mit Java programmiert, und unbemerkt haben Kriminelle darauf eine Schadsoftware installiert – wie auf 3 Millionen anderen Zahnbürsten auch. Ein Befehl genügt, und die ferngesteuerten Zahnbürsten rufen gleichzeitig die Website einer Schweizer Firma auf. Die Seite bricht zusammen und ist für vier Stunden lahm gelegt. Es entsteht ein Schaden in Millionenhöhe.

The article claims that an electric toothbrush with Java-based software was the target of malware. Criminals then leveraged this malware to execute a ddos from the toothbrushes against the website of a swiss business.

The article further claims this led to a downtime for around five hours with expect damages in the millions.

>The article claims that an electric toothbrush with Java-based software was the target of malware

The chef's kiss moment of this story would be that it was Log4J vuln that was unable to be patched because why would they make updates to a toothbrush. I'm guessing that would complete somebody's bingo card.

Who had DDoS attack, Botnet, IoT Device, Java, Log4J?

Dentist: You've got seven cavities

Me: Damn garbage collector

Yes. Or we would end up comparing multiple news stories, presumably at least partly fact-checked (but you never know these days), against a single post on a random social network.

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