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Link rot makes reading some of the older things a bit sad. The website brought me to a HN front page in 2011, but from the five URLs I tried, I managed to read absolutely none of them. Although I must admit, the quality of that front page was pretty awesome (Google's Dash language, #newtwitter, Google's Oracle case, Windows 8 boot times, CoffeeScript and a lot more).

If anyone is interested in any of these: https://news.ycombinator.com/front?day=2011-09-09

It's fascinating, too, to see some predicted solutions to problems discussed at the time that came true but were different from what was expected. For instance, we finally got an alternative to JavaScript in the browser recently, but it's not CLR, JVM, or NaCL like many imagined; instead, we got WebAssembly, which is pretty good but has basically failed as a true alternative to JavaScript for now.

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