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> ClojureScript + Dart

Ignore people who write about finding the perfect stack. The perfect stack does not exist and it is not requisite for shipping great software that real users value.

Much of web development consists of knowing the browser well, and web.dev is a great resource for that. Beyond that just go and learn React + TypeScript, the new react.dev is great. While React is not perfect it’s such a good paradigm for creating UI that even Apple copied it when they created SwiftUI. Grab yourself Vite and get coding.

The number one thing that I would recommend is to really go and study those resources. Start from page one of the docs and work your way through. There’s not much that you’re going to learn in a few days though, frontend work is hard for a good reason.

I would second that. Frameworks are secondary. React + TypeScript was the key (for me at least). After that it is just learning web standards - starting with CSS, HTML, JS - and then moving on to Canvas, WebAudio etc if one desires.

Thanks for the advice jahewson and mnvrth. I have developed a few SwiftUI apps, so React may be similar.

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