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I'm familiar with the term, I'm just wondering what features of JS as a language necessitates code degenerating into spaghetti. The comment I was replying to was a bit light on technical details. I'm not convinced by someone broadly gesturing at a language and saying "it's all spaghetti code". It just reeks of snark, and feels like a very shallow dismissal of a programming language.

> language necessitates code degenerating into spaghetti

I'm by no means a thoroughly vested expert, so my speculation has little merit here.

However if I had to guess code becoming spaghetti is more a symptom of collaboration between many individuals over a span of time rather than an issue with a specific programming language.

Everyone has preferences and different backgrounds, various "best practices" they've been taught or adhere to.

So when all those little differences merge together over time you get globs and hard to follow code due to changes in conventions or just being lazy when meeting a deadline.

Not sure why your comment was downvoted to death.

> However if I had to guess code becoming spaghetti is more a symptom of collaboration between many individuals over a span of time rather than an issue with a specific programming language.

That's definitely one path towards spaghetti code. An inexperienced developer can make a mess of their own codebase without contributors also though.

I do agree that it's very rarely the result of an actual defect in the chosen programming language. You can write clean code in almost any general purpose programming language, and conversely, you can write bad code in any language as well.

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