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It will always be a Wilson’s Warbler to me

Nothing wrong with nostalgia for those who have it. Although as someone who is new to learning all the birds, it will certainly help to have more of the names actually reflect something practical about the bird that helps with remembering it. I hope they call it something like black-crowned yellow warbler.

Wilson’s warbler vs. black-crowned yellow warbler, I prefer the first one. For the same reason I'd choose zebra over "black and white striped horse". I have no idea who that Wilson in the name is and I prefer to be ignorant. The fact that both of the words start with "w" is enough to make the name easy to remember and kinda fun.

That’s fair, and I wouldn’t really disagree if it was one of the only ones. But we already have a black and white warbler, blackpoll warbler, chestnut-sided warbler, yellow-rumped warbler, magnolia warbler, Canada warbler, Nashville warbler, and at least a dozen others. It might be cute and fun to change them all to alliterative names, but it would definitely be way more confusing. I honestly don’t really mind having a few with random names, but I don’t think it’s a great loss either.

The bird formerly known as prince... the same way Pluto is still a planet.

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