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The alcohol industry is thousands of years old and has gone through varying levels of regulation and deregulation. The Prohibition happened. It was a big deal.

But even then, even given their incredibly entrenched history of consumption and relatively obvious risks, they still face real civil liabilities. Hard seltzer companies, most recently, have been sued and fined for promoting their brands as healthy. A very similar case happened to the sugary drink Vitamin Water.

But, if you really want to compare the alcohol industry to social media, you’d first need to give Budweiser a way to, in real time, modify the alcohol content of the can based on the current mental state of the drinker. Do that and it might come close to be a valid comparison. But you’d still need to change the clearly labeled alcohol content on the front of the can, and instead bury it in a fourteen-page terms of service agreement. Then, also give the can the ability to simultaneously monitor you, and inform the third-party salty snack-food manufacturers that your drunk and it’s time to send you a push notification from the chips bag, as you have a 40% increased likelihood of wanting chips. That might get you there.

The prescription pain-killer and tobacco industries have paid hundreds of billions in fines for covering up their addictive properties. The list goes on.

Section 230 needs to be seriously amended

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