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Scaling in this context means for me that features are decorrelated from the payload sent to the browser.

If they are, it's good news as more stuff gets built into the product, you have time to figure out how to continue forward and you have more resources to throw at this small problem.

If they aren't, well this is some pretty bad news since the more feature you add, the more complex the tooling is going to be to make it work, it becomes exponentially harder to maintain.

As bad as Htmx might look visually, it's going to be significantly easier to scale on a large platform since everything is decoupled apart from some common js bits you could add here and there.

On the opposite spectrum, we have a React SPA at work with a 65mb bundle which take 2GB of ram just to build, caching & splitting is obviously a nightmare. That's what happens when you have a lot of engineers working on a product and the bundle isn't decorrelated from the features.

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