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My dad has Parkinson's and has very poor-quality sleep. He also has had anti-snoring surgery in the past, and chronic post-nasal drip (which I also seem to have). This article raises questions in my mind as to whether any of these are related.

Also interesting is this: "researchers were able to successfully modulate cervical lymphatics using phenylephrine (which activates α1-adrenergic receptors, causing smooth-muscle contraction)"

Phenylephrine is the so-called decongestant that has finally been called out for being a fraud in oral medications (and I can tell you from painful, painful experience that it is indeed a fraud). I was surprised to see that it allegedly accomplishes something in this particular application.


You could try other blood flow/nitric oxide enhancers, body builders use them to increase the pump https://www.ghostlifestyle.com/search?q=PUMP.

Or you could drink beetroot juice a few times per week.

Who knows if this will work though. I have my suspicions that inversions are very good for brain health and blood flow and I sleep better if I do yoga before bed.

I quite enjoy Sivananda yoga it’s fairly easy, reminds me of a beautiful time in their Ashram outside Madurai and you can see real progress because the basic routine is always the same.


IIUC it’s the minimal bioavailability of it in pill form that’s the problem, but it works ok when injected.

Also works great as a nasal spray, which is getting coincidentally close to the original article..

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