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There's been a lot of recent interest in mouth taping during sleep, which can help alleviate issues related to mouth breathing or snoring. Anecdotally I've seen improvement in overall sleep quality (quantified w/ a wearable device) when I use tape vs without.

How would that work for people with chronic stuffy nose due to stay a prior Staph infection and/or allergic reactions.

I had a runny nose most of my life - diagnosed allergies and etc.

One visit in laryngologist got me thinking; he said: "It's simple. Wet wounds heal fast and well. Dry ones can even not heal at all. You have dry lung mucosa and that's why you get infected easily: it's like an open wound".

He was right, after keeping > 50% humidity around myself I got better. That got me thinking of experimenting more.

What if, I had a running nose, because the body wanted to make my lungs less dry? So I forced myself to breath through nose for two weeks and again, got better. Still doing it, years after.

Correction: up to 50. Without intervention it was closer to 28

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