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Can you imagine a health news (HN) forum randomly posting links about computer science, software engineering and related topics?

Hackers also include biohackers. Health news, science news, space news all might not seem like they fit but they do.

Seeing articles on how to apply makeup would be shocking

Look no further on how to Elevate the Makeup Experience with AI: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/11/17/ad...

If you like it, upvote it; if you don't like it, downvote it. That's how sites with upvote systems like HN work.

Unfortunately that also means interesting articles will never bubble up to the home page because they get lost in new.

Why not? Sounds like a good idea if 'randomly' isn't taken too literally.

The hacker mindset that pg had in mind when naming the site isn't restricted to tech.

I was not trying to state otherwise. It is just that there is such a massive body of work out there (e.g., on CSF or take your pick), that highlighting one discovery seems like a drop in the ocean without much context. You may as well point out that a new issue of Nature came out: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06899-4

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