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Show HN: The Super Programmer – A colorful introduction to engineering (keyvan.me)
14 points by keyvank 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
I have started writing an unusual book discussing various topics in computer science by implementing them from scratch. I would like to know your opinion on it! WARNING: It's a very draft version of it!

It's fun, but I'd love an easy .mobi / .epub download, for reading on a Kindle.

Yes absolutely! Unfortunately all tools I've tried so far completely mangled either the code blocks/tables, the chapters in general or simply everything :D No matter if its PDF -> epub or straight website -> epub. Does anyone have something working?

Have you tried the epub target of the Makefile in the repo? https://github.com/keyvank/tsp

Unfortunately mathjax_conv.py is missing so `make epub` fails...

Oops, missed that! It should be there now.

Thanks, it works now! But the tables are still broken (e.g. in the "Wires" chapter)

Ah yeah working on it. Hope you’ll like it!

Nope, completely overlooked that. Thanks!

try "make epub" :)

For mobile phone users: the link is the book, and the book TOC is in the hamburger menu.

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