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I've been remapping caps lock to backspace for more than a decade now, I have backspace mapped to (forward) delete. This was due to the only repetitive stress injury a keyboard has ever given me, which was strain in the outside of my right wrist from the frequency with which I would go after the backspace key.

Also, aesthetically, I like the fact that backspace is to the left and delete to the right, the directions in which the command acts. But mainly, I'm not an especially accurate typist, and I change my mind a lot, a home row backspace is a godsend.

This remap leads to some pretty comical results when I find myself using a board which doesn't have them, the first time I make a mistake it STAYS ANd I get something like that, a run of capital letters and then lowercase as I instinctively hit caps lock again to try and delete them.

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