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Ask HN: Does Microsoft Teams work in Firefox for you?
16 points by ParetoOptimal 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 23 comments
On Linux? What version?

As I said in a recent comment:

> Teams loads super slowly or not at all these days as of this morning in Firefox. The page frequently blanks and repaints.

Edit: To clarify the above, I didn't even get to the step of testing calls or screen sharing... this blanking/repainting and sluggishness happened just trying to click on different teams/calendar/etc.

Is this a problem for others? Trying to determine if it might be a problem on my end or yet another instance of platform tilt[0].

0: https://blog.mozilla.org/netpolicy/2024/01/19/platform-tilt/

For reference, here's the support matrix for Teams on the web. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/get-clients...

Yes, but partially.

Chat works fine, same thing for meeting, however the online/away/offline status of coworker can be a little janky sometime (often have a blank dot instead), I cannot share my screen from firefox and most annoying of all, if I get a call from firefox (it always goes on my phone only).

So working fine as a daily drive, but still starting Chromium now and then when I know I'll get a call, or I need to share my screen.

I use arch btw.

No, I have chrome on my box just for this.

I've been running teams in chromium after having no luck in firefox.

Even in chromium, it's really shaky, for example: some chat items are not displayed after some time

Teams is a total disaster in my opinion, it's one of the top modern tech trends pushing me towards retirement...

Some items aren't displayed after some time even on the official new teams client on Windows.

All is well here on Ubuntu 23.10, Firefox (Snap) 122.0 and 'Teams Classic' as per Office 365, no special opt-ins (like Insider Program) or opt-outs.

There are many different versions of Teams, though, and whatever I'm getting via https://teams.microsoft.com/ may be very different from what you're seeing.

You may want to check if things work better via Chrom(e|ium) first, as that's a low-effort thing?

I think even for chromium it wasn't working, but I will try again to make sure.

The last time I tried that was about 3 years ago when I started a new job. My work laptop wasn't ready, so I used one of my own running PureOS. Teams worked in Firefox, though sometimes it was a bit sluggish. And I had to turn off cookie blocking.

WFM on NixOS unstable. To use screen sharing I need to log into GNOME with X, not Wayland.

Do you use the unstable version of firefox or the mozilla nixpkgs one? Does regular chat work for you in wayland without issue?

I can report that Wayland + Chromium screenshare does work. I haven't tried screenshare with Wayland + Firefox, mainly because I think I had other video/audio problems during calls with Firefox.

This is on Gnome (Ubuntu) so there may be some default Ubuntu config that makes Wayland screensharing work, may need to do some searching online if your distro/setup doesn't have Wayland screensharing working.

Just `pkgs.firefox`. I don't use Wayland, as mentioned, because of the screen sharing issue.

Screensharing on Wayland does work, but may require some config changes. I use it on Ubuntu (worked out of the box if I recall), so I can't speak to what config is need for nixos.

Yes (insofar as Microsoft Teams can be said to work at all, even natively on Windows), but calls don't work. I never get the call ring--only the "missed call" notification. They do work on Chrome on Linux, however. RHEL

I haven't checked in many months, but in the past it never has. It kind of semi-works but it's pretty buggy. I use Chrome for teams.

I'm on Arch Linux.

I use Teams through Firefox on Arch. For me it only ever works for chat, not for calls, video or voice. Chat is working today as usual.

Yes, no issues here, but it's been a bunch of weeks since I last used Teams on FF

off topic, but slack doesn't really work great in firefox either, they don't support huddles, so if that's something your team uses, one has to poke them to use something else.

Kind of related because I used to push for slack. I'll consider this first next time.

Thanks all for letting me know it's not just me.

No, I use Chrome just for teams. Arch linux

With normal user agent: yes.


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