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> Now imagine some very advanced quantum computer (or something 10 generations after it) that can scale infinitely...

Yeah, um... about that assumption...

This solves the "too much detail" problem by assuming that they have magic hardware. That's absolutely not realistic in any way.

I mean, this whole thing feels like a substitute for God for those who don't believe in God. It's Someone who existed before the universe, and created the whole universe out of "nothing" (nothing pre-existing in this universe, anyway). Now you're giving Him infinite resources (or miraculous ones that can scale to infinity, which amounts to the same thing).

Then again, "infinitely" might not even be necessary (got carried away there).

Maybe our full universe fits predictably in some pre-allocated space of such an advanced machine/project and 1 million years on our part is a days worth of disk space on their side. An then there are retention periods too...

Regarding the "substitute for God" part... good point, but what if we really come up ourselves with such simulations? It doesn't mean we are gods (literally), it doesn't even mean we are ourselves in a simulation. Just that we found clever ways to simulate the process into replicating something that we judge as correct (ironically). Like a game nowadays but a trillion times more complex. Looking at how much AI improved recently, what is to say that 100 years from now we cannot simulate this and then cheat our future with data extracted from other civilizations, rinse and repeat, to evolve exponentially.

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