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How to Add 10 Years to Your Life (medium.com/educreation)
21 points by MoBarouma 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Sometimes wasting your time is a result of depression or negative life circumstances.

Sometimes it's called being bored, killing time, tuning out, doing nothing, Idling, lazing around.

And it's important for mental and physical health.



The author says: Wasting time is like killing yourself slowly. I would say: not wasting some time is actually killing yourself slowly.

The question this prompts for me is not how, but why: what difference does it make?

> Joe tells his friends over Facebook how he loves France and wants to learn the language.

Does Joe actually want to learn to speak French, or does Joe merely wish he were the kind of person who would learn to speak French?

I strongly disagree with this, if you force every spare minute into productivity, the cognitive burden of context switching and the addiction to the adrenaline of urgency leads to burnout.

You don’t have to make every second of every day “productive” or you’re never going to smell the roses.

You will end up the richest skeleton in the graveyard, wondering where time went

"I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you any different."


Spending less time on social media probably is a good thing but not because it's unproductive, but because it tends to make people less happy.

I'm sorry but this just immediately made me think of this grindset hustle bro:


You're toast.

This article is framed incorrectly. The author is focused around productivity or 'wasted' time. Rather, it should be about ensuring that the things you fill your time with bring you joy.

A lot of people fill their idle time gazing at social media, and this activity isn't making them happier. That makes it a waste of time. To the extent they're playing games or enjoying themselves, and are otherwise managing their life - there is no problem. There are no years to add to your life.

Life is not a formula to min max, at least imo

Pass. I dont need to stress over min/max'ing my free time.

You can only do so many productive things in a day

When did my father get a blog?

TLDR: Stop wasting time.

That's very subjective though...

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