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Launched my new Startup Yesterday, Here's how the first 24 hours went (themefurnace.com)
49 points by olidale on May 2, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

At http://themefurnace.com/member/signup/index/c/, got a database connection error and an Engrish error message.

Posting a comment also threw a database connection error.

Some nice themes. I see on Twitter that the server is getting a pounding. I'm sure HN will oblige and provide a good test of your stack.

Sites back up now - did take a bit of a hammering.

Check out Varnish. It'll keep you up even under a deluge of traffic.

you should probably disable user-facing raw php-errors in a production environment (just my opinion)


Yes, I've removed that plugin - I dont know why i'ts included in WP by default.

I can't help but read it as 'the me furnace' :-p

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