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From my time hanging out with Arne on IRC I would assume he's using Photoshop (or opencanvas version oc11b72 ;-) )... I'd be surprised if he's on a PS version newer than CS2 though. I think Adobe added a subscription model to later versions and back in the day (ca 2000) he was mostly just using regular round brushes. If that's still how he's working, I don't see any reason at all why he'd have upgraded. Perhaps he's written his own raster editor by now, though (another low-odds bet tbh).

You can read his art tutorial on his main page. But essentially, I think he strives to get a clean result (no scribbling to "find" the form) with as few brush strokes as possible, which takes a lot of practice. He's also does a lot of pencil drawing, obviously.

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