You do realize you didnt actually argue against it being apartheid? You repeated a victim narrative, a common method in fascist systems to normalize crimes against humanity.
Its really worth reading Einsteins notes on Israel.
"“When a real and final catastrophe should befall us in Palestine the first responsible for it would be the British and the second responsible for it the Terrorist organizations build [sic] up from our own ranks. I am not willing to see anybody associated with those misled and criminal people.”"
Should echo in the ears of everyone that ignored Trudeau warning
Murderous totalitarian regimes do not work. They quickly turn into mafia states. At its not something you end up in accidentally, its very visible by people falling back onto tribalistic narratives they prefer over reality.
Looking back at Einsteins letter from 1948, its worth remembering, that Hannah Arendt co-wrote it while being a Zionist. Anyone actually interested in a future for Israel should think really hard if revisionist Zionism is a way to achieve that.
There’s no apartheid in Israel. 20% of Israel’s citizens are Arab. There are Palestinian civilians who chose to live in a separatist area and refused time after time to recognise Israel and have their own state in the West Bank.