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I don’t live in your skin, but I had all of my wisdom teeth extracted under local anesthetics without sedation. And I never even needed an NSAID.

Maybe it hurt you that bad, but it’s not par for the course.

That’s great for you. My partner was also not given anything when her wisdom teeth were removed. As the dentists anesthetic wore off, on the drive home, she started crying, then screaming as we pulled into the driveway. I got her in bed and gave her Tylenol (dentists recommendation), but she was crying, curled up in a ball, unable to move and barely talk, couldn’t drink water, just grasping her legs and suffering with tears streaming down her face.

Luckily, when I called the dentist back and frantically explained the situation, they let us get an opioid. She took a minimal amount, and was able to function normally. She only used a few pills in total over the course of a couple days, but it prevented absolute heartbreaking agony.

So that’s great that it worked for you. But your case has no bearing on somebody in the other situations either, so you don’t need to bring it up as a gotcha.

That is well out of the norm and should be treated as such. Some people will need it, but that’s no reason to spew opioids on anyone who has a small procedure.

You don’t and your judgement of someone else’s pain is not relevant to this thread or respectful and is the exact line of thinking that leads to people’s pain not being taken seriously.

And if we take pain “seriously” and give opioids for what should be minimal pain, we are facilitating addiction. I’m not judging the pain, only the response of giving a prescription off the bat.

> I don’t live in your skin

You should have stopped there.

When someone claims they need two weeks of opioids for postoperative pain, it is relevant to point out that it is abnormal.

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