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The world is both great and fucked up.

Right now it is likely the best its been for the most people ever. And not by a small way. And yes, for so many its also horrible right now. Made more depressing cause we see so much via the internet which tends to focus on the negative and we see this misery in 1920px 24/7.... its horrible.

I'm not the best to talk about these things...so would suggest talking to a professional if your this down, but for what its worth I do know there is a great world out there. I feel what you talk about sometimes and realise people need to shut of the global noise and do what you can to make your local patch a little better. The worlds always a mess, it always will be, and there's nothing you or I can do at that scale. But you can help out at a homeless shelter, or an old folk home etc and make a real different for many people. That and sadly, ignorance is bliss, get outta the depressing news cycle and limit yourself there a little to spend more time with family and/or friends if you can.

I truly hope things can brighten a little for you as there is also so much great around us!

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