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I don’t think it’s puritanical at all as narcotics for painkillers are dangerous.

Imagine if handguns were really good at treating pain, but had like a 30% chance of killing the patient. Would it be puritanical to not prescribe handguns to everyone with pain?

And if patients who thought they would not ruin their lives were upset about not being able to get handguns and complained about engaging in “handgun seeking behavior?”

Because that’s the deal here. Prescription painkillers are effective and easy, but are extremely dangerous. Pain protocols now feature OTC stuff even though they result in more pain in patients because they are equally effective but have no chance of death or life ruining addiction.

OxyContin should have been used for legit pain care.

>Pain protocols now feature OTC stuff even though they result in more pain in patients because they are equally effective but have no chance of death or life ruining addiction.

If they were "as effective" they would not result in more pain.

Additionally, pain ruins more lives than opioids and has been doing so for thousands of years. Ever tried to hold a job when you're in agony and have only slept a few hours that week?

People with untreated or untreatable pain tend to just kill themselves. That is NOT a better outcome than addiction.

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