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love this genre of post on HN, the “smartest boy” post

I mean sure the article is citing peer-reviewed research but on the other hand and all, but HN thinks nobody has ever heard “the dose makes the poison” before, so maybe pollution is actually fine???

hold up, science, here comes americas smartest boy!

See also, “aha but what about [confounding factor that is super obvious and the paper already discusses controlling for]!”. Like at some point it’s just dismissive to the point of insulting to imply that nobody else has bothered to put minimal thought into something that probably represents person-years of work with the involvement of multiple subject-matter experts and peers.

the covid threads here etc were absolutely insufferable with this, and generally any pollution thread you will get some dork who’s obnoxious enough to pull “the dose makes the poison” on 2,4,7,8-TCDD or whatever - yes, it happened last week!

Look out EPA, here comes Americas smartest boy! /young sheldon adjusts bowtie

in particular with pollution and other things though it’s just gross because it’s so obviously an industry-centric spin that is designed to imply that pollution is generally ok and that there’s no real need for polluters to ever control pollution of any kind because hey, big ocean out there etc. The implication is, again, that nobody else could ever have thought of a lower limit before, and it really plays into the urge a lot of people have to be Americas Smartest Boy in discussions, even when it’s wildly inappropriate in general (like the 2,4,7,8-TCDD example). You can be the smart guy making the clever point in the debate if you just follow this simple talking point, brought to you by SmogCo!

Climate change threads are always lousy with it too. Aha but what about heat island, sun cycles, whatever. Yeah the climate scientists know already, Mr Boy. If you thought of it in five minutes then definitely one of the professionals studying in the field has raised the issue sometime over the last 100 years. And of course the obvious answer you’re proposing is… keep “studying” for decades to solve some minor quibble, and naturally to allow smogco to continue polluting in the meantime?

LOL, I'm the one who cited and bothered to skim the base study. The original post is just clickfotainment. Young Seldon, no amount of rigorous Psychohistory from Streeling University is going to inform the empire, if you won't read the sources yourself.

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