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Spotify accuses Apple of 'extortion' with new App Store tax (theverge.com)
26 points by hexage1814 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

$0.50 per install is crazy. Not sure if anyone is going to care about this as much as they seemed to care about Unity pulling similar stuff.

Apple always had been crazy though.... The main reason I never used their products.

Agreed. I use their products for the security aspects. Not to say there aren't flaws but apple cares a lot more about it than android vendors in my experience.

Not sure about that. Maybe you are listening more about their speech then their actions.

But I kind of respect their strong opinion about user experience.

Mostly going off of this document, and subsequent documents: https://support.apple.com/en-za/guide/security/welcome/web

There's a reason why iOS exploits are worth so much more than Android exploits

Also, iOS devices tend to receive updates for 5-7 years at least. The last Samsung device I had got dropped within 1y of release. The Android ecosystem is massively fragmented.

This is completely different, this is an alternative to the traditional payment. The traditional deal is still there.

Spotify has its own App Store, with an even worse experience for developers in my experience.

Rather than a published set of rules and fees for commercial apps, instead Spotify requires you contact them, and fees and rules are done behind closed doors, if you even get that far.

Since Spotify is throwing stones here, what are Spotify’s commercial rates for Spotify integrated apps in their App Store?

Hmmm... how can it be 'extortion' if it's optional?

Exploiter meets extortionist. here’s to the crazy ones

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