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Factorio: Generic interrupts and Train stop priority (factorio.com)
47 points by ibobev 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I found setting up complex train networks in factorio pretty annoying. Your less than ideal designs can’t really be modified in dense areas without tearing up half the factory. I ended up just trying to chuck signals at the problem but every 20 mins or so the timing of the trains would deadlock.

Very excited to see all the new tools and combinator logic controls. It seems like a whole new bag of tricks to deal with train issues.

Now that things will be multi planetary, I am wondering how we will deal with biter/scheduling issues when off planet.

I always thought the train network stuff was annoying... but a good exercise.

I think part of the enjoyment is a bit of struggle.

For example, once you get the assemblers working with arms loading widgets to make more widgets...

... then you get assemblers that take fluids.

And after that, you move to oil/gas/refineries with different ratios, a problem that is the same, only different.

So yeah, the train network was imperfect, but you could struggle towards perfection and get pleasure out of the struggle.

The factory has an entirely different scale with the trains, and adapting to that is difficult in refactoring the factory. I think on new playthroughs I'll build out to a train oriented factory, moving new production units further away and transporting more by rail

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